1723 as The Blue-Apron Statesman, translated by T. Plays (selection)ĭenpolitiske kandest0ber (produced 1722). No Jeppe of the Hill The Scatterbrain, translated by Michael Meyer. Samtlige komedier i tre bind, edited by F.J. Udvalgte skrifter, edited by Knud Lyne Rahbek. Career: Tutor in Germany, 1708-09 at Borch’s College, Copenhagen, 1709-14 appointed unpaid associate professor at University of Copenhagen, 1714, but spent the time of the appointment travelling in the Low Countries, Paris, and Rome, 1714-16 professor of metaphysics, 1717, professor of Latin, 1720, member of the University Council, 1720, professor of history and geography, 1730, and University bursar (quaestor), 1737-51, University of Copenhagen wrote for Montaigu’s troupe at the newly organized Danish Theatre, the Lille Gr0nnegade Theatre, Copenhagen, from 1722 until its closure in 1728 ceased writing plays during the reign of Christian VI, 1730-46, who banned all theatrical activity in Denmark and Norway unofficial adviser and writer for the Kongelige Teater, Copenhagen, established shortly after the succession of Frederik V, in 1748. Education: Studied at school and university in Bergen University of Copenhagen, 1702-04 travelled in the Netherlands and Germany, 1704-06 travelled in England, and studied in Oxford and London, 1706-08.

Born: Bergen, Norway (then part of the Kingdom of Norway and Denmark), 3 December 1684.